Artistic Expression of Sound and Image: The Work of Mr. 110
March 17, 2021
May 12, 2021

The Artist/Rapper JOI-EL was raised in a small city on the west side of town in Bryan Tx. His loving family seemingly did him no justice raising him, due to their much older age. His big brother basically to him was a father and parent, having the most influence on him being just 8 years older than JOI-EL. JOI-EL primarily raised himself and struggled to fit in his generation as his Family had strict and odd ways of parenting. However, that didn’t deflate JOI-EL’s Hustle, Ambition, and Creativity. He promised himself a better life and is currently living and striving for more every day. He now motivates and encourages people to do the same in his music. In his recently released single Everyway, the Artist makes it simple that life isn’t fair, and because of that we have to do everything in our willing power to even the playing field. JOI-EL is an artist that doesn’t just want to entertain, he also motivates and inspires through his music.